My visions inspire my paintings. When awake, they “play” in my mind’s eye (like an extra tv in my forehead, I know, sounds strange). When asleep, they appear as dreams so vivid, colourful and fast moving.

For example…A vision in a dream

I am a tiny water molecule in mid-air rising towards the sky. Floating up slowly through the layer of clouds until I am above the clouds. At this point I see the most magnificent scene. There it is, an indescribable pink sunrise in the horizon illuminating thousands of air balloons and fluffy summer clouds all around me. I am in awe, at peace, infinitely content! I have never felt so alive! My consciousness is at one with everything. I am nothing and everything at once! The feeling of freedom feels so incredibly natural.

Moments later, I start to fall down through the clouds. I keep falling until I am suddenly in the dark blue ocean. There is no splash nor sound upon entry. I feel cold. The vast darkness is all around me. I can feel the entire ocean, it’s infinite depth, it’s presence. I know I am a part of it. I am the ocean.


Flowers blooming is a part of nature reaching its peak. Spiritually I hope that my paintings can nudge every spirit to bloom. When you reach your full potential, I can reach mine because you and I are intricately connected. And when I am painting, you must know I am in a state of flow, existing at my spiritual peak, helping the world be the best that it can be.